There was once a man, who thought that if you go too far,
you will fall off the edge. Another thought, that if you go too far, like a
circle, you will come back to where you began. Another believes it’s an
infinite walk. What do you think? I heard that you go through childhood, twice.
When you are born, and when you get old. What do you think?
Sometimes we get too in tuned with the machine that we miss
out on precious moments, even life time opportunities. Now, the world we see
are images created by another. We have lost touch of our creative insights. We rather
sit and watch that screen, like big
brother commanded us to, according to George Orwell’s book, 1984. Thinking: don’t
their life seem better than mine? Now, learning is shifting towards that
screen. Most external exams, like the MCAT, have shifted from traditional paper
testing, to computer testing. We are getting too attach to the screen. Now
learning is being transformed, making it seem inefficient to write on paper. I
know of a department at school, not calling names, which give free ipad to their
students. People gather at a social event, instead of interacting with each
other, they rather text or facebook their friends that are miles away, even at
a different continent.
What am I saying? The world comes in perspectives. People see
things different, thus things change. Are we smarter now because we use
technology more than in the past? Do people do better on the MCAT now that it
has computerized? I think a time we will come, when taking notes with paper,
will make you seem like someone dropped you off from the stone ages. Inevitably,
technology is great, it saves lives, but this blessing, seems to have curses
attached to it. Can you think of a few?